Archive for People

Favorites from Nippon

Before, I had mentioned my soft spot for cute Asian people. (I actually have a weakness for all cute people, but since I also have a weakness for Asian people, it’s like double the weakness.) I also said that I was going to show you my favorite, but just couldn’t bother before. So here we go, my favorite actors from Japan. I also have stickers purchased from Tokyo to prove my addiction.

– Matsumoto Junmatsumoto jun

Sometimes I am ashamed to admit that Jun is so, so, so cute. He’s girly beyond words, and resembles, as I said before, a certain Turkish singer, but I always find myself wishing I had a doll of him (To this day, I haven’t found one, but if you have a spare, I’m willing to pay big). His acting skills are also questionable, though in the second season of Hana Yori Dango, he was pretty good (though the series itself wasn’t). 

For those living in outer space, Matsumoto Jun was born in 1983, which makes him just the right age. He’s a signer in the popular group Arashi. His most famous drama is Hana Yori Dango, which I wrote about in my previous post. He also starred in dramas such as Kimi wa Petto, which is actually based on a manga lisenced in English as Tramps Like Us, and Bambino, where he played a cook with big dreams or something. His latest drama is Smile, which just finished airing. He also has movies, such as The Last Princess, which is a historical one, and Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru, which is also based on a manga of the same name (it’s about twins falling in love, so beware). He’s part of Johnny’s Entertainment, which is this Japanese talent agency that has boys like him running around inside its walls (heaven, for some of us). This is his DramaWiki page.

– Ikuta Tomaikuta toma

I first saw Toma in the first episode of the second season of HYD, where he played a bad boy. But then I saw Hanazakari Kimi Tachi E, where he played Nakatsu, a character adorable beyond words. I think the reason I love Toma is because of Nakatsu (he’s just so cute, he actually falls in love with a girl disguised as a boy). Hanazakari Kimi Tachi E is one of the better known jdramas, based on the manga Hana Kimi (it’s full of other bishounen. yummy). Ikuta Toma also has many other very famous dramas, such as Maou, where he played a police officer next to another dude (evil, in this case) from Arashi. There’s also Hachimatsu to Clover, based on the manga Honey and Clover, which I haven’t seen but the manga is awesome. His latest drama, Majo Saiban, is currently airing, and its genre is “legal”, which means I’m itching to watch it. Not. 

Ikuta Toma is born in 1984, and is also a part of Johnny’s. I wouldn’t call him conventionally handsome, but he’s just so cute, though I wouldn’t necessarily want a doll of him, I wouldn’t say no if you want to send me one. His acting is also better than Jun’s. This is his DramaWiki site.

– Oguri Shunoguri shun

Yes, another flower guy from HYD. Actually, all the guys up to know can be seen in that episode I mentioned (which shows that I watch dramas a lot less than I should). He was the second most important guy in Hana Yori Dango, who forms one side of the love triangle. Although he doesn’t get the girl in HYD, he does in Hanazakari Kimi Tachi E, by long jumping over high hurdles (literally). He plays moody characters in both, and I haven’t seen any other dramas by him, even though that doesn’t mean he’s not popular. It just means I don’t watch much.

Shun was born in 1982, and to our surprise, is not a part of Johnny’s. His acting is a bit better, and his filmography is also a lot longer than the others guys. He’s also a seiyu, which basically means voice actor. This is his DramaWiki page.

– Tamaki Hiroshitamaki hiroshi

This guy is an exception, since he’s not conventionally cute, but like Toma, adorable beyond words. He’s a bit older than the others, born in 1980. I met him and adored him in Love Shuffle, where his character was a dude confused with his life. I believe Nodame Cantabile, based on the manga of the same name, is his more famous drama, where he also played one of the leads.

I only watched one drama of his, and he played a goofy but actually smart guy, and he played it very well, so I believe if we were going to give an Oscar to one of these four guys, Hiroshi would get it. Also he’s been singing and releasing singles, so I would stay tuned. This is his DramaWiki page.

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From the Land of Beautiful People

I decided to use this holy medium (the blog) for another service as well: introduce hot men. The thing is, the West, actually, the part of the West that isn’t obsessed with Asia, is prejudiced about Asian people. They just can’t believe that they can be hot or sexy. So, me, as a fan of all things Asian, decided to help change that view by showing some people.

Today, we’ll have three Korean actors.

1) Biyum.

Bi, aka Rain, was born in 1982. He’s an R&B singer/actor/dancer/model. He starred as the famous Lee Young Jae in the wildy popular k-drama, Full House, based on the manhwa of the same name. I watched it, and will review it later. Other than that, he starred in a bunch of others, including A Love to Kill and Sang Doo, Let’s Go to School. (they are both on my to-watch list) He has a bunch of albums, and won a bunch of awards. Go here for the DramaWiki page.

2) Kim Sung Soo

yummmThis guy also started in Full House, as, what else, Lee Young Jae’s rival in love, Yoo Min Hyuk. Whereas Bi gets some getting used to, Kim Sung Soo is incredibly handsome from the very start. He was born in 1973. He also starred in a bunch of dramas, but I didn’t hear of any of them (which means they are not that popular). This is his DramaWiki page.

3) Gong Yoo

Gong Yoo is my new favorite, since I’m watching The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince, his latest drama, though by latest, I mean 2007. His character, Choi Han Kyul, is the main character in that drama. Like Bi, he gets some getting used to, but now, I think he’s just adorable. He was born in 1979, and as of 2008, he’s doing his military service until the end of this year. The mandatory military service lasts 20 months. He’s doing a radio show at the same time. That must be some military. Click for his DramaWiki profile.

yummm (Excuse me for the pic, it’s the only one that I could find where he looks sexy instead of cute. Which is what we’re going for)


This is it for Korea’s hot men. I’ll introduce some more as soon as I find them.

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